Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Beson: Legislators fall short of providing fair, long-lasting tax relief with advancing plan
RELEASE|February 9, 2023
Contact: Timmy Beson

State Rep. Timmy Beson, of Bay City, today offered the following statement after voting ‘No’ on House Bill 4001:

“I am committed to fighting for comprehensive tax relief for working families and seniors in our area as they face high costs and hard financial decisions. I am glad the Legislature is taking up this issue – because it’s one people across Bay County are dealing with every day.

“The problem is – this bill misses the mark in multiple areas. People deserve concise, long-lasting income tax relief to help them keep more of what they’ve earned year after year – not one-time gimmicks that shrink paychecks, go back on promises from existing law and ultimately don’t go far enough to help people.

“State government is sitting on billions of dollars. We can do a heck of a lot better for taxpayers who help fund state government than 49 cents per day like this plan provides. This bill also failed to incorporate existing plans that do more for working seniors. The legislation that was voted on does nothing for them.

“I would have liked to work through these issues for working families and seniors within the same formal committee process that’s been used in past terms. That would get us a better plan that helps more working people and seniors in Bay County, but this was rushed and presented as one all-or-nothing vote. State government can deliver a better product for people who are struggling.”

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