Michigan House Republicans
Vote Explanations | Week of May 20
RELEASE|May 24, 2024
Contact: Rachelle Smit

FY 2024-25 BUDGET:  SB 751 School Aid, SB 753 Community Colleges, SB 760 General Government, SB 766 LEO, SB 767 MDHHS, SB 748 Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential, SB 752 Higher Education, SB 756 DOC, SB 757 Judiciary, SB 758 MDARD, SB 759 DNR, SB 761 MDOT, SB 762 MVA, SB 763 MSP, SB 764 Licensing & Regulatory Affairs, SB 765 DIFS, SB 768 EGLE, SB 769 MDE

Passages:  56-51 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: The Democrats’ proposed budget spending measures are wasteful and misguided and rely on recently imposed income tax increase on hardworking Michiganders to help pay for it. The majority caucus also declined common-sense Republican amendments to the plan, even solutions to timely current events like protections for foster youth and plans to combat illegal immigration. I can’t support this partisan spending plan.

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HB 5429:  Would create a new act to establish a Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program. This would be a program in which each court in the state may participate, on a voluntary basis. The court would appoint a CASA volunteer in child-protective proceedings, to advocate for the child’s best interests.

Sponsor:  Rep. Morse (D)​​

Passage:  97-10 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted YES: Proponents may argue that the CASA program should be expanded state-wide, and that consistent standards should be established to guide the program.

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BILL PACKAGE SBs 225 & 226:  This legislation strengthens enforcement standards in response to an Auditor General audit of the Michigan Department of Environmental, Great Lakes & Energy Air Quality Division’s Asbestos Program that discovered weaknesses in the enforcement program of monitoring for safe asbestos abatement in demolition and renovation projects.

Sponsors:  Sens. Chang (D) & Geiss (D)​​

SB 225 Passage:  78-29 with Immediate Effect

SB 226 Passage:  68-39 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: There is a specific fee included in the proposed legislation (HB 4188).

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BILL PACKAGE HBs 4675 & 4679:  Amends the Land Bank Fast Track Act by exempting user fees from property held by land bank fast track authorities.

Sponsor:  Rep. Gant (D)​​

Passages:  58-49 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: The law has been clear for nearly 20 years that taxes, and special assessments and user fees do not apply to land held by land bank fast track authorities.

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HB 5127:  Expands eligibility for disabled veteran license plates to include partially disabled veterans.

Sponsor:  Rep. McFall (D)​​

Passage:  103-4 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted YES: Expanding eligibility to partially disabled veterans isa respectful acknowledgment of the sacrifices made by those who were seriously injured during military service.

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BILL PACKAGE HBs 4131, 4213, 4579:  Telemedicine usage

Sponsors:  Reps. Liberati (D), Morse (D), Price (D)​​

Passages:  98-9 with Immediate Effect *Previous Bills

Why I voted NO: While telemedicine can be useful for some purposes it is not always advisable for all services some of which are better handled in an in-person setting.

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BILL PACKAGE HBs 4186 & 4188:  This legislation strengthens enforcement standards in response to an Auditor General audit of the Michigan Department of Environmental, Great Lakes & Energy Air Quality Division’s Asbestos Program that discovered weaknesses in the enforcement program of monitoring for safe asbestos abatement in demolition and renovation projects.

Sponsors:  Reps. McKinney (D) & Aiyash (D)​​

HB 4186 Passage:  68-39 with Immediate Effect *Previous Bill

HB 4188 Passage:  56-51 with Immediate Effect *Previous Bill

Why I voted NO: There is a specific fee included in the proposed legislation. We already have regulations in place for this, more would be misguided.

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HBs 5499-5513 & 5556:  Various State Departments

HB 5499 Vote Failed:  52-53 *Previous Bill

HB 5550, 5507, & 5556 Votes Failed:  47-56 *Previous Bill

HB 5501 Vote Failed:  51-54 *Previous Bill

HB 5502-5506 & 5508-5513 Votes Failed:  51-55 *Previous Bill

HB 5514 Vote Failed:  48-55 *Previous Bill

HB 5515-5517 Votes Failed:  47-55 *Previous Bill

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SB 691:  Would amend the Agricultural Commodities Marketing Act to replace the annual audit requirement with one during each referendum period for small grower check-off committees.

Sponsor:  Sen. Singh (D)​​

Passage:  103-0 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted YES: Research is critical to growers; this bill maintains both existing transparency and adherence to generally accepted accounting standards.

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SB 744:  Modifies the requirements for a teacher to complete a probationary period under the Teachers’ Tenure Act.

Sponsor:  Sen. McDonald Rivet (D)​​

Passage:  56-47 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: Changing the requirement from three consecutive performance evaluations to just three total has potential to lead to less effective teachers getting tenure – as an example, tenure could now be granted to a teacher who has been teaching for ten years but only received “effective” ratings in their first, fourth, and tenth year, earning tenure after just one “effective” rating in their past five evaluations. It is better for teachers to demonstrate consistently effective abilities to complete their probationary period.

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BILL PACKAGE HBs 5231-5234, 5269:  Charter School Transparency Package

Sponsors:  Reps. Weiss (D), Young (D), Steckloff (D), Scott (D), & Koleszar (D)​​

Passages:  56-47 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: Charter schools are already required to provide the same transparency information on their website that all public schools must provide under the law.

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HB 5460:  Allows for increased flexibility in vehicle loan payment requirements.

Sponsor:  Rep. Farhat (D)​​

Passage:  80-27 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: This practice could lead to more purchasers being “upside-down” by owing more than the vehicle is worth at a future time, such as a trade-in for a new vehicle.

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